Easy Analyse Disk Mainframe ( OS390 z OS )
A very user-friendly tool, EADM is designed for product managers, system managers, and all the people in charge of z OS storage who would like to improve the efficiency of their data processing. With EADM, no time is wasted in processing RMF/IBM or CMF/BMC.
What are the objectives of EADM?
EADM creates your I/O profile (on all the disks, a Storage group, one disk, etc.). Once created, this profile gives you the opportunity to swiftly detect abnormal behavior on your I/O disks.
Another crucial purpose of Technical Storage's software is the ability to launch quick, fully automated studies of your storage arrays that will alert you if and when your disks volumes present any problems.
What are its main functions?
EADM is designed to analyze RMF and/or CMF reports by LPAR or for all the LPARs in a SYSPLEX, either automatically or manually, according to parameters that you establish. It can track a complete disk pool in just a few minutes instead of the two or three days it usually takes you to accomplish this.
Technical Storage's EADM will create your signature disk for both TP and Batch. It will enable you to generate precise performance audits that are automatically synthesized into reports published in MS Word. In just a few pages you will be able to see where the problems are and think about solutions to improve the performance of your z OS disk subsystems. Furthermore, these audit reports will greatly facilitate your own presentations to your IT Department supervisors.
Concrete results
In concrete terms, EADM produces daily or weekly analyses in order to create your profile. It can generate relevant information every 30 minutes (or even more or less frequently, depending on your requirements). As soon as the performance audits are fully executed, EADM automatically sends the results to your email boxes, and you will have immediate access to any and all of the information you need to get about your disk volumes.
As many of our clients will attest, the quality of information and the relevance of the data that EADM provides will help you to improve your efficiency and sharpen your company's competitive edge.
Today, our industry faces a long-anticipated, worldwide shortage of z OS specialists. EADM is a solution that will help you keep your knowledge assets inside your company and one that will ensure the continuity of information as well as the transfer of skills to your production and systems teams.