Easy Analyse Disk
(OS390 z OS)


Easy Analyse Mainframe Check  (OS390 z OS)


Easy Analyse Tape Mainframe (OS390 z OS)


Easy Analyse Tape Check (OS390 z OS)


RealTime Defrag for z/OS 


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25 May

Training of young students often involves internships in enterprises and this year one of our trainees succeeded in the ‘’MASTER THE MAINFRAME‘’ world event.

Following four weeks of training in IBM z/OS concepts, Franck joined a team dedicated to DASD 3390 and TAPE 7700 performance. Franck is 19 years old, he is an IT student and we wish him long life in z/OS systems.

Technical Storage

Technical Storage's EADM uses your data-rich RMF and/or CMF files. You already have everything you need - there is no need to recreate any data. Our studies can be fully automated and take about 5 minutes to process.  When they are complete, EADM will send you an e-mail with the results.
The software is also invaluable if you are performing system upgrades.  At a time when manufacturers’ are all rolling out new storage solutions, EADM enables our customers to easily verify whether manufacturers' claims about TP Batch response times, storage capacity and other performance rates are accurate.  As we say in the U.S.A., "Trust... but verify!"

Thereafter EADM will save you a lot of time as you follow the I/O performance of your z OS.

Our team has more than 30 years of experience in z OS storage.