
IT shops are responsible for Performance Management. It’s always been so as each z/OS customer has a specific environment with complex and specific rules. It is the hardware manufacturers’ responsibility to ensure that all z/OS CPU and DASD activity be logged in SMF records each second. IBM’s RMF and BMC’s CMF are reports rich in performance data stemming from SMF datasets.

02/14/2020 - 11:23

EADM’s AI now allows z/OS Managers to see major gains in DASD performance management while helping reduce non productive MSU consumption.

09/18/2019 - 06:08

Below is NOT a map of the Far East. It is the fragmentation map of disks in a zOS data-center. The red indicates the “Average Frag Index” is too high, which induces slower I/O response times and poor disk space occupancy. EADM 2019 lets you see in seconds the fragmentation status of volumes in all LPARs.

02/21/2019 - 08:51

There is an increasing number of Big Data indexing applications able to create myriads of graphs. But reccurring questions in data-centers are what kind of synthetic data is needed to optimize hardware provisionning and utilization? What type of alerts should be implemented for the Enterprise?

02/21/2019 - 08:47

Every day, our system expert tools analyze thousands of IBM RMF and BMC CMF reports in AUTO mode to monitor the performance of z OS DASD and Tape such as DS8000 and 7740.

10/31/2018 - 10:53

EADM's new feature will help you in your business : performance management.

04/11/2018 - 07:29

EATM is now able to analyze your zOS Tape Management and help you identifiy unscheduled use of your private customer data.

04/11/2018 - 07:15

Our software applications were created with the help of customers who desire to create intelligent and valuable reports.

03/03/2018 - 07:26

All You Risk is to Change Your Mind

05/25/2016 - 12:54

All You Risk is to Change Your Mind

05/02/2016 - 02:00