IT shops are responsible for Performance Management. It’s always been so as each z/OS customer has a specific environment with complex and specific rules. It is the hardware manufacturers’ responsibility to ensure that all z/OS CPU and DASD activity be logged in SMF records each second. IBM’s RMF and BMC’s CMF are reports rich in performance data stemming from SMF datasets.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Mainframe Storage z OS is making headways.
EADM’s AI now allows z/OS Managers to see major gains in DASD performance management while helping reduce non productive MSU consumption.
When to run zOS DEFRAG?
Below is NOT a map of the Far East. It is the fragmentation map of disks in a zOS data-center. The red indicates the “Average Frag Index” is too high, which induces slower I/O response times and poor disk space occupancy. EADM 2019 lets you see in seconds the fragmentation status of volumes in all LPARs.
Ready to EATM 2019
There is an increasing number of Big Data indexing applications able to create myriads of graphs. But reccurring questions in data-centers are what kind of synthetic data is needed to optimize hardware provisionning and utilization? What type of alerts should be implemented for the Enterprise?
EADM and EATM are now ELK ready
Every day, our system expert tools analyze thousands of IBM RMF and BMC CMF reports in AUTO mode to monitor the performance of z OS DASD and Tape such as DS8000 and 7740.
BigData EADM
EADM's new feature will help you in your business : performance management.
EATM helps you meet GDPR regulation
EATM is now able to analyze your zOS Tape Management and help you identifiy unscheduled use of your private customer data.
EADM Annual Reporting
Our software applications were created with the help of customers who desire to create intelligent and valuable reports.
Try our DB2 Disk Surveillance Solution Based on z OS RMF or CMF
All You Risk is to Change Your Mind
Try our Disk Surveillance Solution Based on z OS RMF or CMF
All You Risk is to Change Your Mind
Technical Storage
Technical Storage's EADM uses your data-rich RMF and/or CMF files. You already have everything you need - there is no need to recreate any data. Our studies can be fully automated and take about 5 minutes to process. When they are complete, EADM will send you an e-mail with the results.
The software is also invaluable if you are performing system upgrades. At a time when manufacturers’ are all rolling out new storage solutions, EADM enables our customers to easily verify whether manufacturers' claims about TP Batch response times, storage capacity and other performance rates are accurate. As we say in the U.S.A., "Trust... but verify!"
Thereafter EADM will save you a lot of time as you follow the I/O performance of your z OS.
Our team has more than 30 years of experience in z OS storage.